How Much Survival Food Do I Need

How Much Survival Food Do I Need: Expert Tips & Strategies

Curious about how much survival food you need? Planning for emergencies or outdoor adventures requires careful consideration of your food supply. Understanding the right amount of survival food ensures you’re prepared for any situation. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a camping trip, having enough food can make all the difference. Stay tuned to discover…

Volcanic eruption with lava coming out of a volcanoe

How to Prepare for Volcanic Eruption in 2024

Did you know that several US regions have active volcanoes? States like Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Hawaii, and even some US Territories like the Northern Mariana Islands and the American Samoa. And have you ever wondered if a large enough volcanic eruption could affect the entire country? Just think about the fact that…

How to Store Water for Long-Term Emergency Preparedness

How to Store Water for Long-Term Emergency Preparedness

In times of uncertainty, knowing how to store water for long-term emergency preparedness is crucial. Whether facing natural disasters or unforeseen events, having a reliable water supply is essential for survival. By understanding the best practices and methods for long-term water storage, you can ensure your readiness for any situation. Water is a fundamental resource,…

Prepper generations: masked woman holding a sign that says "It's our future".

Prepper Generations: who is preparing for disaster in the 2020’s?

Have you ever wondered which prepper generations have greater relevance these days? For several years, in a not-so-distant past, survivalists were frequently stereotyped as a fringe group overly paranoid with a highly unlikely doomsday scenario like a zombie apocalypse or nuclear war. But this reality has been evolving significantly over the last 15-20 years, shaped…

An image of Planet Earth subject to the impacts of Climate Change

How to Prepare for Climate Change in 2024

Regardless of your inclination about what the particular mix of causes may be, the fact of the matter is that climate change is happening, and at a faster rate than scientists and governments had anticipated in the past. Consider a future where sometimes you are facing a flood, other times a drought/water scarcity and wildfires,…

A dish with a small piece of food and several hands with forks trying to take it.

How To Prepare For Food Shortage in 2024

Just in the last few years, the risk and existence of food shortages across the globe have skyrocketed, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russo-Ukrainian War, and the worsening of Climate Change predictions. Today, the global food supply chain – once robust and reliable – continues to show signs of strain, and…

A USD Dollar Banknote in the background of a graph with a decreasing trend.

How to Prepare for Dollar Collapse in 2024

Do you ever wonder about how the uncontrolled printing of money, the inflation, the rise of cryptocurrencies, the growing US national debt, or even the confrontation coming from some of our strongest geopolitical adversaries could eventually lead to the collapse of the US Dollar? I do, and so do many leading financial experts. For this…

War as a civilian. A young civilian boy looking at a war-torn city.

How to Prepare for War as a Civilian in 2024

Ever watched the evening news, heard about escalating global tensions, and felt unease about what the future might hold? Ever found yourself thinking that maybe wars aren’t exclusive to other countries? Ever wondered if you should be prepared for war as a civilian? One thing is for sure: war isn’t just about soldiers on the…

Viruses vs. Shields in a cyber pandemic.

How to Prepare for a Cyber Pandemic in 2024

Ever clicked on an innocent-looking email or link, only to later discover that it was malicious software set by cybercriminals? Cyber threats aren’t just about the occasional scam email or suspicious pop-up. They have the potential to escalate into massive, global crises known as cyber pandemics. These digital disasters have the potential to compromise personal…